Pan Chapter Europe - Home page


Graoully Meeting II

Lorraine, France

15 - 16 June 2002


        It all started in 1998, during a HOG Rally, close to the Belgium border, when some future Pan Chapter Europe members met the Lorraine Chapter members. They decided to meet again the following year, in 1999, at Canterbury, England.

        The third meeting was in Lorraine, from the 11 to 13 of June 1999, for the first Graoully Meeting. They met again at the European HOG Rally in Cheltenham, GB (1 – 4 July 1999), then the 25 of may 2000 on the French Riviera, during the “Mediterranean Crouse”, and finally, during the Graoully Meeting 2.



Lorraine Chapter France, Sturgis 1996



