Pan Chapter Europe - Home page


2nd spanish HOG Rally

Benicasim (Castellon), Spain

6 - 10 July 2005



I think this rally will turn into a good yearly event within time. Juanjo, the Castellon Chapter Assistant Director is putting a lot of effort into it. I had the chance to talk to him a bit more this time. My respect to him: he is the Harley dealer, organizes all the rallies, ride outs and stuff to do with the Chapter and manages to find time to run his other business as well. Young and ambitious and wants to do things right. He is a good man.


The rally was fun. We had a bit of rain on Saturday night, so the band had to stop playing, because the stage had no cover, but we enjoyed ourselves in the Castellon chapter tent, where the beer was flowing generously and FREE for everyone. Free breakfast on the ride outs, paella for lunch and dinners, all included. I don't understand how they can do it!!!


A Lot of people where making pictures of my jacket with the PAN Chapter rockers and curious people where asking what the PAN Chapter was. ("pan", meaning "BREAD" in Spanish, causing a few laughs.)


Paul (from Spain)                   















