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winter gathering 2005

Juan-les-Pins, France

28 – 30 January 2005



        Why Juan-les-pins ?

        Antibes Juan-les-Pins is an ancient city whose varied and fascinating history goes back 2,400 years. In the 19th century, the town started to develop and grow, and demolishment of the ramparts began. The beach resort of Juan-les-Pins was created in 1882.
Prévert, Audiberti, Greene, Picasso and Monet who found great inspiration in the quaint, historic atmosphere of the town.
        The internationally renowned Juan-les-Pins is famous for its jazz festival and beach resort, a swimmers' paradise during the day and nightclubbers' heaven at night.
        Juan-les-Pins has developed its own personality since 1920 when it began to grow, a growth initiated by the wealthy American Frank Jay Gould. Since that time many famous stars have visited the resort: Sydney Bechet, Mistinguett, Marlene Dietrich, Ella Fitzgerald, Ray Charles, Claude François, and Johnny Halliday when he was an up-and-coming star.
        Cole Porter who stayed on the Cap in 1922 loved having parties for his friends there...

        WE DO TOO!!!












Antibes Juan-les-Pins




