Pan Chapter Europe - Home page



Grimaud (St Tropez), France

10 - 13 May 2007



       Lately planned, the first Euro Festival had less bikers than the previous European HOG Rallies, in 2001 and 2005, and, even if we all know that it is not the destination, but the journey, St Tropez is always a god place to be, with almost all the time a sunny weather! Never the less, those events are always a good way to see some friends we have not seen for at least a year.


        For a better price, and less noise, the chapter was divided in two. "Bad boy" took care of one part of the Chapter, and booked in a campsite only a few meters from the site. Serge took care of the other part and booked in a bed a breakfast, at around 1 Km from the site. On Saturday night, Serge and Daniel have organized a big dinner there, with all the members and friends.


        Even though most of the bikers came on Saturday, with the surprise of having to pay a fee to get in, the usual parade had many participants. It lasted for 20 minutes. Of course, there is no comparison with the parade in Daytona, but it was pretty impressive for this part of the world, knowing that lots of bikers do not like parades...












The main entrance


